New OpenPlanetary website and blog

Let's share and collaborate even better!

Posted by Nicolas Manaud on September 10, 2016  Improve this post

Since we started the OpenPlanetary initiative a year ago, we have been trying to keep our community alive on the best effort basis, considering that we are all volunteering and busy with our daily obligations. Our driver is that we believe this effort is worthy and can benefit us all. Lately, we have been exchanging ideas on how to expose and engage more with the planetary science community at large, with what you do and what we talk about within Slack.

Today, we’re happy to announce our new website, and blog!

We aim to regularly publish posts that will hopefully be useful to the community and encourage public discussion on the blog, as well as on Slack. Topics won’t be limited but will include news, updates and tips about planetary data, tools, workflows, science, and community events.

An ongoing project idea has been to develop an open-source resources catalog. However, we have decided that by using a flexible and collaborative blogging system, we would be able to aggregate many resources that we will be able to better structured and give access to at a latter stage.

This is just the beginning of a new experiment and for that reason, your feedback, suggestions, ideas and contribution will be much appreciated. Should you be interested in using our new blogging platform to share your experience and knowledge in the field you are specialised in, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
